I have never met Paul, not in any way that has much validity. Just a couple emails, but I still know he has piles of interviews of his parents on audio tapes. I know he writes lists on the walls where the paint has peeled away. I know he has a five minute cardiac-arrest-tuna-noodle recipe. I know he keeps Christmas decorations up most of the year.
He was just a stranger living in Ohio, but I wrote Paul a letter after stumbling upon his Youtube channel. He has spent his time filming objects around his home and sharing their stories and significance. I asked his permission to build a room-sized installation based on his Youtube channel and his life. The space was inspired by his home, where he has resided for all his life, save two years. The installation is part me, part him. Part my memories, part his. Part his things, part mine. A space where we can display our mutual obsession of collecting memories through objects.